• research, curatorship, strategy
 • exhibiton space

casamata was an artistic research space for up and coming artists interested in new aesthetic and methodological practices around exhibition making. With a mission of being accessible to experimental proposals of contemporary art outside its traditional market, casamata produced, through an open call, more than 20 exhibitions between visual and spatial occupations, sound art and performance. casamata also conceived an editorial cataloging project called Fichário, that served as its own continuous documentation archive through the publication of texts and photos from each exhibition and also from authorial essays that discussed its institutional inquiries. Its unique characteristics within Rio's artistic context allowed for the project to become an exponent of the first works of important artists of the national circuit.

My role I co-directed the space contributing to the elaboration of conceptual and curatorial proposals that dealt with the site's peculiar spatial conditions, its focus in experimental practices of younger artists and the endeavours involved in funding an autonomous project.

Co-founded and directed the programming of the space • Comuna
Created and direct the platform • –coro–fundo–
Curate and produce the event • –coro–fundo–Festival
Wrote and directed the documentaries • Recreo e My Girlfriend
Co-directed and co-curated the exhibition space  • casamata
Produced and co-created the art book fair • PÃODEFORMA
Organized, wrote and produced the exchange program • Visita

Institutional exhibition 'Fichário. // Photography: Lua Perê

Performance by artist Maria Noujaim. // Photography: Lua Perê

Exhibition 'Garagem' by artists Felipe Fernandes and Elvis de Almeida. // Photography: Lua Perê

'Fichário': Cataloging project and continuous textual research of casamata, which expanded with each new exhibition. // Photography: Lua Perê

Exhibition "TUDO O QUE VOCÊ SEMPRE QUIS SABER SOBRE UMA EXPOSIÇÃO ANTES MESMO DELA ACONTECER" of artist Lucas Sargentelli. // Photography: Lua Perê

Covers of the exhibition's textual and photographic accompanying material. // Design: Lucas Pires